MP Feeds


  • MPZ
  • MP1
  • MP2
  • MP3
  • MP4
  • MP5

They are nutritional diets used  in Shrimp Hatcheries.

They are nutritional diets used by the shrimp and fish producing industries. MPs (microparticles) are excellent post-larval foods, especially during the Mysis and PL stages. 

These diets are scientifically and nutritionally formulated for the optimal development and survival of shrimp Larvae.

They are nutritional diets used by the shrimp and fish producing industries. MPs (microparticles) are excellent post-larval foods, especially during the Mysis and PL stages. These diets are scientifically and nutritionally formulated for the optimal development and survival of shrimp and fish larvae.


1 Kg tin

Bucket of 4 Kg.


Keep in a dry place with the lid tightly closed.